Sunday, August 12, 2012

Back to Normal??

Being back to work has made life a bit crazy ;-) I am excited to get past the first month of school. Teachers come back tomorrow and Students the following Monday. Once we get passed Labor day, the frantic atmosphere should calm down. Poor Ryan hasn't been home before 6pm most nights. I guess this is the price for having a big boy job! He seems to enjoy it thus far and will be happy once they hire his replacement for his old position.

As for the baby journey, we have been so busy and have had NO time to really do anything else. We are just in a stuck place til school calms down. We are doing this all in God's time. I have a feeling that this journey is going to take every ounce of faith we possess.

Ryan and I went to a friend's house for dinner and a movie. They have the sweetest kids. The youngest just adores Ryan. As soon as we arrived Cazzie was all over Ryan. This little girl is a spitfire! After dinner, she climbed up on the couch between Ryan and myself and went to sleep on Ryan. About partway through the movie, Ryan picked her up and held her while she slept. It was very sweet! Ryan will make a great father....when ever God decides the time is right for us!

Have a great week!