Friday, November 16, 2012

Holidays approaching

Wow... life is continuously changing. Ryan got his new job and is totally enjoying the new position. I am still loving my job. We almost moved, but in the end God  showed us that the house wasn't for us. We still haven't chosen an agency, but we are for sure going to start the Home Study process late summer/ early fall of 2013. Ryan doesn't want to even get his hopes up and is totally worried about the cost and the money aspect of the whole process. For those of you that know Ryan, you know what a HUGE change that it for him. He used to NEVER  worry about money. God has definitely changed his heart there; but as I asked him: Where's your faith? If this is what God truely wants for us then, he will get us through this. Yes the money is a very important role, but Our Faith in God and his Love for us is the most important part.

So as part of the, "I'm being a grown-up about all of this". We are asking for friends and family, to donate to our Adoption Fund in lieu of Christmas and Birthday Gifts. You gotta start somewhere!

So Hugs and Kisses to all and have a Happy Thanksgiving next week.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Back to Normal??

Being back to work has made life a bit crazy ;-) I am excited to get past the first month of school. Teachers come back tomorrow and Students the following Monday. Once we get passed Labor day, the frantic atmosphere should calm down. Poor Ryan hasn't been home before 6pm most nights. I guess this is the price for having a big boy job! He seems to enjoy it thus far and will be happy once they hire his replacement for his old position.

As for the baby journey, we have been so busy and have had NO time to really do anything else. We are just in a stuck place til school calms down. We are doing this all in God's time. I have a feeling that this journey is going to take every ounce of faith we possess.

Ryan and I went to a friend's house for dinner and a movie. They have the sweetest kids. The youngest just adores Ryan. As soon as we arrived Cazzie was all over Ryan. This little girl is a spitfire! After dinner, she climbed up on the couch between Ryan and myself and went to sleep on Ryan. About partway through the movie, Ryan picked her up and held her while she slept. It was very sweet! Ryan will make a great father....when ever God decides the time is right for us!

Have a great week!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Still in research mode?

Yup, that is where I am. Still in research mode. Looking up agencies, finding reviews, and other helpful information. So I have found a few agencies out there that seem to have good rapports. However, like everything else; quality goes hand in hand with cost. The better the quality service and response the more it costs. The one agency that I am really liking cost almost $10,000 more than the others. This agency is nation wide and seems to have a very small wait time compared to others.

Here is a great site with a list of questions to ask any agency you are considering. You can find it on the great site Adoptive Families here. Of course we are still so very far away from actually even thinking about doing anything with the information I am gathering but I feel it is best to be prepared and forewarned.

As to the home front....I started back to work this week. I have tons to do before school actually starts. I am glad to be back....but I feel that I never actually accomplished anything this break. I keep telling myself that I still have time to get things accomplished and get this disaster of a house organized, but then with Ryan having the new position and working til all hours of the night at the office.

I keep forgetting that everything is in God's timing and that we can't do this without Him. If I trust in Him and have Faith, we can accomplish anything!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

Friday, July 27, 2012

We have a page on Facebook!

That's right! I made a page on Facebook too! Am I crazy? YUP!

You can visit and like our page here. I am hoping that when we are ready this may be another way to network and get our profile seen.

I think I found my favorite bedding for a girl! Talk about perfect! I love (Thanks Mom!) They have all sorts of cool decor ideas for nurseries and such. Something for every room in the house.

Now I have to find something for a boy =)
Here are links to several rooms I like for a boy...most are pretty gender neutral though =)

  •    (Just add color)

Anyone see a theme? Am I way ahead of myself? YUP

It's crazy all the gadgets and doo-dads, they have for babies now. Tons of options. Its a lot of stuff out there and wow! Again found all of this in research mode thanks to several blogs I've been reading. Again we won't be with an agency until next year at the earliest, but seriously who doesn't love looking baby items? A-freaking-DORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Research Mode

Okay, so I am 100% in research mode. Talk about scary. I have found out all kinds of scary information and some good information too. Its all very overwhelming. Even with all this research we are just not exactly sure where to start.

A scary part, I my opinion, is finding an agency. I have heard horror stories about agencies just taking peoples money and never offering a service, missing steps or over-looking the Birth Father and having the adoption revoked and all other sorts of issues. However, I have found a few blogs that are by other Adoptive Moms and their experiences. My favorite blog so far seems to be Adoptive Momma of Three. You can see her blog here. She is a fount of knowledge and truly has a heart for all involved in Adoption.

The another scary part is the wait and the chance that the Birth Parents will change their minds. Truly the scariest parts are the "What If's". My head knows we shouldn't worry or dwell to much on what may or may not happen,  but my heart is the one that feels threatened with the unknown.

Ryan and I feel that we don't want to move too quickly and rush into anything we can't handle. Our goal is to be rid of the car payment and the two other bills we have before really starting. We are hoping to be debt free and have our home study completed by next Fall. At that time, we hope that we have selected an agency and have started or we are at least applying by that time. With Ryan's new job, it shouldn't be an issue.

So for all 3 of you who are reading this blog, please keep us in prayer! Please feel free to share our blog.


Monday, July 23, 2012

Decisions loom in the not too distant future....

Okay, so I'm not sure how to describe today. I did go pick up the application packet for the foster-to-adopt at the new agency we are looking at. The lady was very nice and had me do a quick informal questionnaire. Everything was going great until she asked about pets. "Do we have pets?" I of course said yes and explained how involved we are with our fur-kids. She seemed bummed and said that she would have to talk to the main Director to see if our dogs were going to be a "set-back". So judging from the reaction I got. I am assuming that we will be a "No Go". Which is very sad, but at the same time, we still have others doors to pursue. 

So when I got home, Ryan and I had a talk. He is so very supportive and let me know that, while he is okay with adoption...he'd really rather not go through the foster care system. He's just heard too many horror stories and doesn't want to be heart broken. I did try to explain to him that no matter what path we follow....there is always heartbreak. So he really, really wants a natural child and it breaks my hear that I cannot provide that. So as I sit here, I am looking at the packet and thinking: "Why do I even try?" Then I think, there is a reason God has placed this "need/feeling" on my heart and that no matter what road we choose, as long as we follow and trust in HIM then everything will turn out fine.

So now I am researching everything I can on domestic and international adoption. Talk about EXPENSIVE!!!!!!!! I am thinking of fundraisers and other ways we can raise money for which ever type we choose (domestic or international) According to several sites Domestic Adoption runs $8,000- $30,000 respectively and International Adoptions runs $10,000 - $40,000. While that is a lot of money to us and millions of others, it really doesn't matter in the long scheme of it all. Yes it may take us longer to accomplish this, but if this is what God wants for us, then nothing can stop us! Because in the end....all that matters is God's unconditional love that we can show to whomever, He places with us and the love that we can give to the child.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Exciting News!

I am proud to announce that Ryan interviewed and was promoted to Greenfield Unified School Districts Network and Database Manager. =) This may seem like a small step, but this has opened the door for us to really be able to start the Foster-Adopt process through Pathway Family Services. I am going on Monday to pick up all the necessary paperwork to get this started.

I am so very excited. We had friends over last night for dinner and their youngest is about 4 years. She was totally into Ryan. She is the first child under the age of 6 that has not looked at Ryan and burst into tears. Let me tell you Ryan ATE up all the attention. He really did great with her. She was quite crabby, since she had missed her nap. Ryan just doted upon her. He pulled the Winnie Pooh and Eeyore that we have purchased as decor for the gender neutral room and took her into the guest bedroom to lay down for a nap. She came back of course and sat with Ryan holding Eeyore. She almost fell asleep. You could see that Ryan was just as happy as a clam with all this attention. He really does love kids and I think he's going to make a wonderful father!

So keep us in prayer! This is going to be a crazy ride...but I think in the end 100% worth it!


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Life Gets Away from Us

Okay, I am so very sorry about the over 6 months of no posts, but there really hasn't been anything to write about. The acupuncture...a no go. It helped a bit, but didn't get anything going. God has a plan and a reason for everything that happens. So I am guessing that right now, a natural child is not the right path for now.

Are we going to give up?
Absolutely NOT! We actually met a wonderful gentleman that works for a private Christian Foster Care Service. He gave us new hope in the possibility of being able to Foster-Adopt.

We had a bad experience with the past agency we dealt with. They made us feel like we were not worthy or good enough. So fingers crossed and prayers are being sent up. We only want God's Will in this situation and this seems like the past we are to take.

Dyellen & Ryan