Friday, January 25, 2013

Getting Nervous

Okay, so I think that we have finally decided on the agency. We set the date for our first Informational Meeting with this agency...GASP!!!!!!!!!!!! The date is April 6th and its down in LA. So pray, pray pray!

What are we doing????

Well, I will say that we are jumping in with both feet! We have nothing ready... and I  mean nothing,  but here is where our faith will be put to the test! God here we are and we are trusting fully in you. There is nothing you cannot do for us!!!!

So here I start making a list of fundraisers, ways to save, loans that we can look into for this. This agency seems to average about $22,000 for the same state adoptions. So we have a total goal, but for now... we are going to start small.

So until later, we this all hits and I start raving like a loon, here are some sweet feet!