About Us

Good day and welcome to our blog. We are Ryan and Dyellen McKay. To the outside world we may seem like an ordinary couple, but to those who know us, know the truth. There is nothing ordinary about us!

Ryan is a child at heart. He is like a geeky 12 year old trapped in a grown man's body. He loves games, new gadgets, fantasy and science fiction movies and books. Being this geeky can only mean one thing, he has to have a job just as geeky as he is. It's true, his job fits him to a t! Ryan is the network tech guy for the Greenfield School District in Bakersfield, California. If you look past his geeky tendencies, you will find a generous and fun guy, with an eye for photography. He is really quite good!

We were married in the fall of 2006, in Taft, California. Our relationship began before that, as Ryan and I dated 4 years before we were married. Marriage has been interesting with all of the ups, downs and curve balls life throws. Even amidst the chaos, we have decided to to step into parenthood. Sure, we have obstacles and complications in our path, but whether by nature or adoption, we will become parents.

This blog is our journal.

Here begins our journey. . .