Monday, July 30, 2012

Still in research mode?

Yup, that is where I am. Still in research mode. Looking up agencies, finding reviews, and other helpful information. So I have found a few agencies out there that seem to have good rapports. However, like everything else; quality goes hand in hand with cost. The better the quality service and response the more it costs. The one agency that I am really liking cost almost $10,000 more than the others. This agency is nation wide and seems to have a very small wait time compared to others.

Here is a great site with a list of questions to ask any agency you are considering. You can find it on the great site Adoptive Families here. Of course we are still so very far away from actually even thinking about doing anything with the information I am gathering but I feel it is best to be prepared and forewarned.

As to the home front....I started back to work this week. I have tons to do before school actually starts. I am glad to be back....but I feel that I never actually accomplished anything this break. I keep telling myself that I still have time to get things accomplished and get this disaster of a house organized, but then with Ryan having the new position and working til all hours of the night at the office.

I keep forgetting that everything is in God's timing and that we can't do this without Him. If I trust in Him and have Faith, we can accomplish anything!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

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