Thursday, July 26, 2012

Research Mode

Okay, so I am 100% in research mode. Talk about scary. I have found out all kinds of scary information and some good information too. Its all very overwhelming. Even with all this research we are just not exactly sure where to start.

A scary part, I my opinion, is finding an agency. I have heard horror stories about agencies just taking peoples money and never offering a service, missing steps or over-looking the Birth Father and having the adoption revoked and all other sorts of issues. However, I have found a few blogs that are by other Adoptive Moms and their experiences. My favorite blog so far seems to be Adoptive Momma of Three. You can see her blog here. She is a fount of knowledge and truly has a heart for all involved in Adoption.

The another scary part is the wait and the chance that the Birth Parents will change their minds. Truly the scariest parts are the "What If's". My head knows we shouldn't worry or dwell to much on what may or may not happen,  but my heart is the one that feels threatened with the unknown.

Ryan and I feel that we don't want to move too quickly and rush into anything we can't handle. Our goal is to be rid of the car payment and the two other bills we have before really starting. We are hoping to be debt free and have our home study completed by next Fall. At that time, we hope that we have selected an agency and have started or we are at least applying by that time. With Ryan's new job, it shouldn't be an issue.

So for all 3 of you who are reading this blog, please keep us in prayer! Please feel free to share our blog.


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