Friday, July 5, 2013

The Talk....

So Ryan and I had the "talk" the other night. Ryan had surprised me with a night out to Olive Garden for dinner. Which while it broke my normal diet was worth it! YUMMY.

Ryan and I talked about how we see our future. We both want children and are both wanting children now. We have agreed to continue to try for a natural child, but we are going to go forward with adoption also. We both feel that God wants us to adopt. The average time for a referral is on average 3 years, give or take a few months. We will be attending an informational session on Domestic Adoption. Not sure what route we will be taking.

Before our night out, I had been spending hours collecting information on domestic and international adoption. I was checking agencies, states, countries; pretty much anything I could find. I was reading blogs and forums and even yahoo groups to gain info to bring to Ryan.

With everything that I have found, the cost is the biggest obstacle we face. Domestic adoption ranges from $15,000-$50,000. International is pretty much in the same range, $20,000- $50,000. Domestic costs vary from state to state and from agency to agency, but the average seems to be hovering around $25,000. International adoption costs mostly seem to vary by Country. The average being about $35,000.

While this seems to be an astronomical amount (about the cost of a new car), we have the faith that God will provide. He won't give us anything that we cannot handle. Proverbs 3:5-6 is a great example. 
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;

In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He make your paths smooth.

There are so many example of God's promises to us. He commands that we care for the fatherless and help the widows. So Ryan and I are taking our step of faith and following God's call to us. THE CALL TO LOVE.
Even if we can only make the difference in one child's life... that is one more heart to be saved for eternity.

While we are not fully sure if we are doing Domestic or International, we won't be announcing the country we have chosen if we go through international, but I will leave you with a fact or two and a picture.

1) This is an Eastern European Country
2) This country is Europe's 14th Largest Country

I'm in the planning stage. Narrowed it down to 3 International agencies and 2 home study agencies and 1 domestic agency that does it all. I've a list of great fundraising ideas. Including one for t-shirts and hoodies! I have even designed a few custom designs for them =)

While Ryan and I have a few steps to take before we can officially sign with an agency... the hope and plan is in motion. Prayers are very much welcomed!

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