Wednesday, September 14, 2011

And So It Begins!

“Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain." ~Anonymous

No truer words have ever been spoken. With a world in chaos and life running at the speed of light, everyday can seem like a storm. Ryan and I have been talking and praying a lot lately. We have both been feeling the pull of parenthood, but we are hesitant and unsure of where to start. Life has just been one storm right after another, or so it has seemed to be. Every fear and worry has jumped into our heads . . . money, time, family, parenting and so on.  We have used every excuse in the book. So we have decided to take the proverbial “Bull” by the horns and make a decision.

A wee little one will be joining our family. I bet you are wondering, and have a thousand questions. No, I am not pregnant and no, we are not adopting . . . yet.  We have a plan of action. (I know, it sounds funny) First, we are going to try for a natural child.  Yes, we will require some assistance, but instead of the traditional help of Western Medicine, I will be being treated with acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.  Our hope is that we can conceive a baby this way, but if this should not work out, then. . . We will be adopting. Either way we WILL be adding a wee little one to the McKay family!
So wish us luck and send up your prayers. This is going to be one crazy experience!

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