Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A little background. . .

Over the past few years Ryan and I have been asked NUMEROUS times about when we are going to start having children. We have always said "Later", but that was far from the truth. I know there are some of you, reading this blog, whom have not been privy to some important information and are wondering what the heck I am doing.Why am I doing such strange things to my body?

The truth is this: I have severe hormonal issues. (I can hear you snickering David!) These issues have cause me to not have a normal cycle in over 6 years without chemical help. This has caused my horrific amount of weight gain and my terrible hair and skin condition. It is because of the issues that the Dr's have told me on numerous occasions that I will "Never" have children of my own. That is really disheartening to hear when you are only 24 years old. My philosophy is "Never say Never, cause God will make you look like a fool" =)

Here is how I got where I am now. My Mom, Ruby Payne, has a friend who was trying to have children. She and her husband had tried all sorts of different fertility treatments. They wanted a child so badly, they were referred to a fertility doctor here in Bakersfield, who then referred them to Dr R. Needless to say, after a few months of treatment with Acupuncture AND Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), they were able to conceive. Dr R continued to treat her through the first trimester with Acupuncture. The couple had a beautiful and healthy baby. This is just ONE of the MANY stories I have heard about Dr R.

So I pretty much figured "why not, what do I have to lose"? My answer "Nothing". (Yes, I have been known to, upon occasion, to talk and answer myself. Though I have not had a conversation yet, so I think I am safe)

That is the short story of how I ended up where I am today. God is Good!

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